Trash Man

My final illustration for my figure illustration class.

Society of Illustrators

Here are my two submissions for the Society of Illustrators 54.


This is an illustration for an assignment in my figure illustration class...


HI all! I have another graphic in a new contest on Threadless.

Here is the link -->

About The Challenge

Movember, the month formerly known as November, is almost upon us. Hundreds of thousands of men and women across the world will soon be up to their moustaches in raising awareness and funds for men’s health and cancer affecting men. Men start Movember 1st clean-shaven, then grow and flow their moustaches for 30 days while getting friends and family to sponsor their efforts. You can support the Mo, whether you can grow one or not!

Your challenge is to create a t-shirt design for Movember around the theme of Moustaches in the Wild. Think chopping wood, wrestling bears, building log cabins with your bare hands, and the like. Also, think moustaches. The more designs that are submitted, the more awareness you’ll raise to help Movember change the face of men’s health. The chosen tee will be sold on Threadless, and 25% of the sale of each tee will benefit Movember.

In the US, Movember’s men’s health partners are Prostate Cancer Foundation and LIVESTRONG, the Lance Armstrong Foundation.

Chrome Industries T-shirt Design Challenge

Hi all PLEASE help show your support and give me a 5 for my Chrome Industries T-shirt Design Challenge entry! If I win I will promise to give you all high-5's (digital or analog). THANKS!!!!!!!

WIP Beardflip2

Shred Beard.
Done sculpting, time to bake and paint.

WIP Beardflip

Sculpey, 15 ft of copper wire and aluminum foil.
13 inches high

Society of Illustrators

So as a huge surprise to me I was selected as one of the winners for the Society of Illustrators Student Scholarship Competition.
At the very least my work will be shown in the exhibition in New York, but I think I am still eligible to receive a scholarship that could range from $5,000 to $500. Also the wonderful people in the College of Arts VISCOM program at the University of Arizona will most likely be flying me out to New York for the reception in May. Posner's Art Store generously donated the framing of my work and I just heard that I am inline for a art supply scholarship from them also, the amount remains to be determined. I really can't say how much all of this means to me and I thank all my friends, family and co-workers for their continuous support and encouragement of my work.